SETUP.EXE 4.0 'The Original' Alternative Visual Basic Setup Bootstrap Program =============================================================== Here is a highly improved upgrade to 'the original' alternative SETUP.EXE. See the help file "Reference" | "Change History" topic for a list of new or modified features. This help file describes in great depth how to use SETUP.EXE 4.0 and all its features. (The help file was not compressed when it was compiled because greater compression can be achieved using PKZip on an uncompressed help file than on a compressed one. Thus you end up with a smaller file to download, although you will end up with a larger help file on your hard disk...) I hope this is of use to anyone like me who found the Microsoft-supplied SETUP.EXE and other third party products not exactly up to the mark. Version 3.5 had over 1300 downloads on CompuServe and it seems to have cropped up in a number of commercial products! SETUP.EXE is still free to all. Enjoy. Mike Chapman, Chapter One Developments Ltd. 22 March 1995 27 Gorse Drive, Smallfield, Surrey, RH6 9GJ, England Fax: (44) 01342-844507 CompuServe: 100030,351 Internet: =====================================